Thursday, May 19, 2005

Oh mummy...

First of all, I finally changed the settings so I think you can comment without having an account now. Sorry about that.

My mom always writes me these emails saying how my blog is more interesting than the NY Times, but I'm here to offer proof that bloggers are a dime a dozen:

Postcard from Cannes

This is Mary McNamara's blog from Cannes. It's just as personal/witty/insightful as anything I write in here, so you might as well just read hers. She wrote the LA Times article about Ampav, and I've been trying to get in touch with her for the last few days so we could chat about journalism and film and anything else we had in common. Unfortunately, she left town today, but I guess I can always get in touch with her once we get back to LA.

I'm tired of name dropping, but I have a feeling everyone will ask me when I get home who I've seen, so here's the list of people who I've seen "in conversation" (aka, being interviewed by someone else in the industry) or in roundtable discussions (sitting down with about 10 other ampav kids and answering questions): Morgan Freeman, Roger Ebert, David Cronenberg, Alexander Payne, Ben McKenzie, Tommy Lee Jones, and Rachel Blanchard.

Anyways, I've got to go to a meeting, so that's all for now.


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