Tuesday, May 10, 2005

french keyboards blow

Despite the difficulty I am having finding the right keys, I'm still going to try this. So I made it to Cannes, though the ride over made me afraid I wouldn't. About halfway to Germany, surrounded by blonde haired blue eyed German speaking travelers, having slept through both dinner and breakfast (I wanted to KILL my seat partners, and very nearly did), I suddenly had only one thought: Japan had stolen something from me, and I wanted it back. My mom called it my sense of adventure, it may be something along those lines, I'm not certain yet.

Anyways, the thought of being alone in a foreign country, where I was not only linguistically deficient but also utterly unprepared in regard to culture, made me anything but excited about this trip. Wussy I know. In any case, I arrived in Cannes pissed and upset and wanting to tear open the "open in case of emergency" envelope Jason had given me.

Luckily, I was greeted in France with the most beautiful sights imaginable: miles and miles of stunning turquoise coastline, sunny skies, pretty french people, the smell of hot paninis. Despite my lingering fear of traveling to foreign countries, it's clear that France is not Japan (and happily never will be).

So, to make a long story short, I'm quite enjoying my stay so far. Our apartments overlook the beach, the kids are friendly (though quite different than me in terms of goals, as is to be expected...most dream of running into Spielberg and getting him to finance their screenplay), and I know I'm going to learn a lot.

Unfortunately, out of all of the possibly work placements I was given a job at the restaurant/bar. It could be worse; at least I earn tips. It sounds like I'll be able to attend movie screenings aplenty, and although they tell us we can pitch our latest screenplay to the movie stars/producers/directors/pretty people we'll be serving in the restaurant, I know for myself it will just be a kick to SEE them, let alone to dream of conducting an intimate conversation.

I'll take lots of pictures; I already am in shock at how simply beautiful it is here, and the movie stars have yet to arrive. Today we walked along the coast and then took a boatride out to an island to see a monk castle or something. Can you believe I'm actually in France? Everything European is so foreign to me.

Anyways, I'd like to find a calling card so I can say happy mother's day to my mama. Better run. I would say jaa ne or sayonara but it's just too ironic.


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